But I was not to see Peter Pan again. And now I tell his story to my children, and they will tell it to their children, and so it will go on, for all children grow up...except one."
We took the boys to see Peter Pan this week at the Muny,. They love Peter Pan and Captain Hook. It was so fun. The boys loved the outdoor seats, the orchestra, the idea that here was a theater right in the middle of Forest Park so close to the zoo. I was amazed how well they sat and enjoyed it they loved it. When Peter flew Rob said " Now that's the real Peter Pan." It helped me see the Muny all over again seeing it through there eyes. I forgot how great the Muny is. When it was over Logan wanted to know what the next show was so they could come again. I was happy to introduce the boys to live theater and the MUNY.
Peter: Well I will not grow up! You cannot make me! I will banish you like Tinkerbell.
Peter: Then go home. Go home and grow up. And take your feelings with you!