Monday, January 19, 2009

A MI that looks like me.....

I love the NIKE plus running system sometimes it seems I work for NIKE or get some kind of paid endorsement I talk about it so much. It motivates me. I am in a running group of people I never have met who do 100 miles a month and it keeps me going every month to keep up with these people. I never want to come in last. While uploading a few days ago I found where you could make a MI that looks like you. So.. here is mine.

whatever works. This is what works for me.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Its comforting yet unsettling to me that the most at home I have felt in years came this past week at a IMO's. My dad took my sister and brother and our families out to dinner and just for a minute I looked up and thought wow this is it. It felt familiar and comforting and like Home. One of the things I have missed the most about my parents divorcing is not being to get that feeling back. But there at Imo's eating pizza listening to all my familes voices around me I was home. Just like that and then it was gone.