Sunday, November 19, 2006

Conflicting memories

I have a memory one of my favorite that comes back this time of year it is of my brother and I driving around in my Old little dodge omni looking at Christmas lights it seems we did this a few times maybe it was our way of getting out of the house minus all the chaos that was out family during that time. I just remember being happy looking at those lights maybe even honking at the houses ( I am not sure why we did this but it seemed ok at the time) one house even had music they played in the yard so you could hear it as you drove by..which was good cause the Omni had no radio..I wonder what my memories will be of this year. My moms wedding that is all too close and all she thinks about...I hope not. I wonder why looking at lights with my brother is such a vivid memory in my mind, and I wonder why our whole family didnt go. It almost seems that I have erased most of those years and the holidays other than that.I am really going to try to have a good holiday season this year minus the wedding. Maybe I will drive around and look at a bunch of lights I wonder if the one yard still plays music.......

1 comment:

Karla said...

Here's a memory for you. I was putting up my tree last night and in my box of ornaments was one shaped like the front porch of Cracker Barrell...tee hee!!

Just remember my friend...God is good, even when life isn't.

I love you.