I know what you are thinking another attempt to change your mind but this is different. I am different from so many of you because of the family I am in. I view voting as a personal decision, and this is mine.
Today in the car on the way home I asked the boys why they want to vote for Barack. They said because he will improve schools and give to the poor ( they don't see this as a bad thing). I wanted to say this. I am voting for Barack Obama because he is a Christian and that comes first to me. I am not going to debate platforms and all that is not what this is about. I am voting for him because for all the times that someone has said to me " I didn't know your husband was black" or my favorite " Your husband isn't really black you know?" or don't forget "Your husband doesn't sound black" I usually don't talk about these things but they are there. I am hoping if Barack is president that maybe we will no longer be intimidated by someone different than us. I am voting for Barack because of the words my Mom said to me when we first talked about me dating Phil. "well its ok for you but what about your kids which race will they identify with?" My answer now would be how about the human race? I asked Rob do kids ask you why your Mom is white and your dad is black? He said why would they Mom?. I am voting for Barack for Phil's Mom who would not get behind Barack for so long because she still knows the trials and troubles that her race has gone through. What we know as history she knows as her life. The women who had never from day one treated me like a white women but as her daughter. When you ask her about the election she still cant believe she has lived to see these times. She cant believe her grand kids are growing up in a world where a Black man could run and did run for the President of the United States. Which brings us full circle. I am voting for Barack for my two boys. If Barack is elected president on Tuesday no one will ever be able to tell them again they cant be whoever or do whatever they want. Regardless of what happens Tuesday I am hoping things will change for them. That is what I wanted to say and someday when they are old enough to understand I will.
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