Yesterday Rob and I were walking and he was talking about recess. He said he has a problem and really doesn't understand. I said what is it. He said at recess we like to play boys chase girls,(they take after there Dad what can I say) anyway...he said they learned they cant actually tag each other. I said why he said because you cant touch at school and then he said. I don't know why do you. He said how do you play tag without touching? Hmmm. I had no answer. Its a great question. He went on and on but in my mind I was thinking have we really turned into a society where we cant tag? I know the science behind it but tag?
Later we were eating dinner and our doorbell rang. The doorbells rings alot the boys have lots of friends (this quality they get from me) Anyway Rob told his friend they couldn't play and his friend asked why? Rob said I am spending time with my family. His friends response was again Why? This led to a discussion about our family and how we may be different than others. Logan said its because normal families don't eat together or spend as much time together.Its funny how we are not the normal family because we eat together and spend time together. Maybe if a few families could go back to those ways we could go back to letting kids tag each other.
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